San Juan De La Costa

Back to dry camping on the beach. A couple have built and house in last few years next to where we camp on the beach, the house is totally selfsufficient. 64 6V batteries run the houses solar system, why can´t more people do this? The town of San Juan De La Costa is actually at km 42, it is a mostly deserted phospherous mining town. The hillsides up the coast are roughed and spectacular to see, a mixture of pinks, green, brown of the desert and the amazing blue of the sea. A day trip on the 950 KTM took us past the mine and to a small fishing
village, seasalt mine and port town of San
Everisto. All gravel road and Ken rode the bike faster on that than the hyway, he says it smooths out the washboard. I think he was just having too much fun!
From motorbikes to mountain bikes, we have gone out out on a few rides with fiends who are living down here. They have several trails though the deser, challenging and a workout, the odd cactus on the trail also makes it interesting. With these same friends I took a horse back ride, after 3 hours my butt was more sore than after 3 days on the bike. Travelling by horse is great down here though you can go through arroyos that I can´t make it through on either bikes. Who says the only thing to do inMexico is drink beer and sit on the beach, although we do have those days too.
Well today, the internet, diesel, fish tacos and off th a new adventure at Los Cerritos south of Todo Santos.